Fire Fighter Hero Special
Fire Fighters put their life on the line every day, while others are running away, they run into the fire! With all the fires through out the gorge there is so much ash on everyone windows just begging to be cleaned off! I have decided to offer a very special promotion for any fire fighter in the cities of Salem, Keizer, Turner, Dallas or McMinnville!
50% off!! Yeah you read that correct, HALF OFF window cleaning for your home! Of course there always must be rules, especially as a small business. Must be currently active, must have ID or Documentation, Any size home, up to second story only, and most important non hazardous topography and can not be transferred, however, if your the significant other of a fire fighter who fights in a different city/state but lives in the cities above you DO QUALIFY!
If you qualify, please give us a Text or Call at 503-508-3488 and mention this promotion!! Offer expires when ever I Decide! but no sooner then March 01 2018.